Picture of Coffee With Beans

Coffee – Is It Healthy for You?

If you're like me, you need a cup of coffee to get through the day. It transforms you from a zombie to a human in the morning, gives you a boost in the middle of the afternoon, and keeps you active throughout the day. But — inhale deeply — is it healthy?

Breathe out. According to dieticians and research, there aren't many disadvantages to drinking healthy amounts of coffee, and it may even have health benefits.

The Key Nutrients in Coffee

A naturally occurring stimulant, caffeine is responsible for coffee's energizing effects. On the other hand, caffeine does more than merely wake you up. It improves mood, memory, reaction times, and mental function by acting on the brain. Studies show that caffeine can even increase endurance and performance when used before or during a workout.

Coffee's benefits are not limited to caffeine. It contains hundreds of nutrients, including B vitamins, riboflavin, potassium, etc. The coffee beans are also abundant in antioxidants, which protect cells from damage.

Interestingly, coffee is the American diet's single best source of antioxidants.

Health Benefits of Coffee

Your coffee provides more than just an energy boost. Here are the top health benefits associated with coffee:

Increases Energy Levels

Caffeine is well-known for its capacity to combat tiredness and boost energy levels. Caffeine inhibits adenosine receptors, which boosts dopamine and other energy-regulating neurotransmitters in the brain.

A study demonstrated that caffeine consumption prolonged the time to exhaustion during a cycling workout by 12% and considerably decreased the participants' subjective degrees of tiredness. Furthermore, another study found that ingesting caffeine before and during golf boosted performance, increased energy, and reduced fatigue.

Promotes Brain Health

According to several studies, drinking coffee may protect against Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and cognitive decline.

According to a meta-analysis of 13 research, frequent caffeine consumption dramatically reduced the chance of acquiring Parkinson's disease. In addition, the use of caffeine decreased the progression of Parkinson's disease over time. Another assessment of 11 observational studies, including more than 29,000 adults, indicated that coffee reduces Alzheimer's risk.

Additionally, multiple studies have shown that moderate coffee consumption may lessen the risk of dementia and cognitive decline.

Supports Weight Management

There is some evidence to suggest that coffee can help people lose weight by altering fat storage and supporting the gut's health.

One study indicated that those who consumed one to two cups of coffee per day were 17 percent more likely to reach the prescribed physical activity levels than those who consumed less than one cup per day.

Hence, increased amounts of physical exercise may aid in weight management.

Protects Your Liver

Several research shows that coffee may promote liver health and offer disease protection. One study indicated that drinking more than two cups of coffee per day was associated with decreased incidence of liver scarring and liver cancer among individuals with liver disease.

Other studies indicate that the more the consumption of coffee, the lower the chance of dying from chronic liver disease. One cup of coffee per day was associated with a 15% reduced risk, whereas four cups per day were associated with a 71% lower risk.

Reduces Risk of Diabetes

Long-term coffee consumption may be associated with a reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes. An analysis of 30 studies indicated that each cup of coffee drunk daily was connected to a 6% decreased chance of developing type 2 diabetes.

This is believed to be the result of coffee's capacity to protect the function of the beta cells in your pancreas, which produce insulin to regulate blood sugar. In addition, it is high in antioxidants and may alter insulin sensitivity, inflammation, and metabolism, which are all factors in the development of type 2 diabetes.

Improves Athletic Performance

Coffee is frequently used as an ergogenic aid (a performance enhancer) by athletes seeking to boost performance and energy.

According to a study of nine trials, consuming coffee before exercise increases endurance and decreases perceived exertion compared to a placebo. In addition, a study of 126 older individuals revealed that consuming coffee increased physical performance and gait speed, even after adjusting for age, belly fat, and physical exercise.

Reduces The Risk of Depression

According to a meta-analysis of seven studies, each cup of coffee drunk daily was associated with an 8% decreased risk of depression. Additionally, a second study indicated that consuming at least four cups of coffee per day was related to a considerably decreased risk of depression compared to consuming only one cup per day.

To top it all off, a survey of over 200,000 adults found that coffee drinkers were less likely to take their own lives than nondrinkers.

Benefits Heart Health

Some study suggests that coffee consumption may be beneficial for heart health. In fact, according to one study, consuming three to five cups of coffee a day was associated with a 15 percent lower risk of developing heart disease. Another 21-study evaluation found that consuming three to four cups of coffee daily reduced stroke risk by 21%.

In addition, a study including more than 21,000 participants indicated that greater coffee consumption related to a markedly reduced risk of heart failure.

However, remember that caffeine may alter blood pressure levels. Therefore, individuals with uncontrolled hypertension may need to reduce or moderate their caffeine use.

Helps You Live Longer

Coffee's numerous health effects have led some researchers to believe that it may help people live longer lives.

For instance, an analysis of 40 research studies indicated that consuming two to four cups of coffee daily was related to a decreased risk of mortality, independent of age, weight status, and alcohol intake.

So, Is Coffee Healthy for You?

People with high cholesterol, pregnant women, and parents-to-be should take caution when it comes to coffee consumption.

For others, drinking three to four cups of coffee a day in moderation has been linked to several health benefits and is generally thought to be safe for most adults. It can prevent major illnesses, stimulate the mind and body, and aid weight loss.

Remember that if you consume toxin-free FITGO COFFEE and brew it with care, you can and should enjoy it, knowing that it is healthy.

Because low-quality coffee can include many contaminants, which can induce nausea, headaches, or general discomfort, this could occur if the beans used to make your coffee were over-ripped or otherwise compromised. Even a single spoiled bean might taint your coffee. Investing in and purchasing high-quality FITGO COFFEE eliminates this concern.

What's more, FITGO COFFEE is available in three flavors, 100% USDA Organic Arabica Coffee, Organic Hemp Coffee Blend (contains 10% USDA Organic Hemp Protein Powder), and Mushroom Coffee Fusion (contains 5% USDA Organic Lion's Mane Mushroom Powder and 5% USDA Organic Chaga Mushroom Powder) for giving you additional benefits of protein powder and mushrooms in a cup of your coffee. If you are an avid coffee lover and looking for an healthier alternative, try FITGO COFFEE.  It’s available as a subscription so you never run out.


Organic Hemp Coffee Blend        Brazilian Blend           Mushroom Coffee Fusion

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